So Trump is anti-gay
Trump is a racist
Trump is pro Life.
So I decided for one split second to DOUBT what I was reading in George Soro’s press.
- I found ZERO quotes, comments, videos, reports, that Trump is anti–gay. Turns out: He doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself.
- I found ZERO quotes, comments, videos, reports, that Trump is racist. Turns out: He doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself.
- I found ZERO quotes, comments, videos, reports, that Trump is Pro Life EXCEPT: He thinks states should decide, NOT the Federal Government. He thinks, beause he’s crazy: That Texas would do it differently than California and he thought the states would choose best for their citizens, NOT the Federal Government. Turns out: He doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself.
I doubted what George Soros was paying freelance journalists to report. He was only buying articles and op-eds about how bad Trump is.
Do you know how HARD IT IS to be a pro-Trump reporter or freelance journalist right now? Nobody wants your article.
Is that because it’s not true?
NO – It’s popular to be “anti-Trump” and feeding those flames sells papers.
It’s just. That. Simple.
And very bright people I know who doubt propaganda – – do NOT FOR AN INSTANT doubt anti-Trump propaganda.
But all you have to do is search “The most egregious things Trump ever said” and it’s a wasteland of practically nothing.
No racism. No LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ hate – No abortion argument….. Just basic facts.
And when people say Trump struck down gay marriage and abortion rights – THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED. He wanted STATES TO DECIDE.
And that is “pretty much” what happened except Joe Biden was there to NOT SHEPHERD THE STATES TO THEIR OWN DECISIONS.
Joe is demented. And he was never a very good person because even until 2024 he referred to blacks and minorities as “You People” and he described minorities as animals in the seventies. He’s just an old racist. That’s super hard to hide.
NONE of these links work. EVERY instance of malfeasance on the part of Joe Biden have been scrubbed. So don’t worry about finding a copy of these videos where Joe refers to blacks the way almost everyone did in the seventies.
“00:09- 00:14 “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black” – True